Brewery,  News,  Toji

Imada Brewery


Fukucho’s female brewery owner, Miho Imada, is also the Toji – a rarity in Japan to have both jobs done by the same person.

• Miho-san’s passion and curiosity for sake brewing is truly amazing: to date she has revived a local heirloom rice that was out of use for hundreds of years, created her own hybrid yeast starter, and experimented with brewing sake using white koji.

• There are around 30 female tojis in Japan, but when Miho-san started brewing there were far fewer. Her extreme dedication to her craft encourages the future of women in this industry.

Brewery Name: Imada Brewery
Brewery Founded: 1868
Toji (master brewer): Miho Imada
Brewery Location: Hiroshima
Brewery President: Miho Imada

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